We are a national relocation company that specialises in housing workforces throughout the UK.
Corporate business clients from a wide variety of industries, including Aviation, Construction, IT, Logistics, Medical & Pharmaceutical, in particular, are constantly in need of short to medium and sometimes long-term stays away from their home location while they are working on a variety of projects. Whether they are relocating from other countries, or simply working away from home on projects or contracts, we offer them a cost-effective and comfortable alternative to hotels and B&B’s.

Better Than Hotels
“So much better than staying in hotels where it’s a case of the same old, same old! This is by far my preference when I’m away on business”. IT Professional

Not Hotel Food Again!
“The ability to cook our own food when our team is away for weeks on end is an absolute life-saver! Hotel food is ok in moderation (maybe!) but there’s nothing like a ‘home from home’ kitchen and a good old microwave if you’re in a hurry. Not to mention how much we’ve saved as a team on food alone! Construction Tradesteam
Cost e££ective

FACT: It is cost-effective to house your workforce in our regular ‘home-style’ accommodation, where the cost per capita is a fraction of what it would be in comparison to hotel living on an ongoing basis. More productivity and a better night’s sleep will ensure that your workforce is suitably refreshed and ready to go for another day’s work. Once you have calculated the savings, you will never go back to hotels for short, mid to longer-term stays. It makes good and sound financial sense to use our services. We provide a friendly and straightforward service from the moment you book with us.

You know it yourself, once you have found somewhere to sleep and it feels homely, you can rest easy that the following day’s tasks and meetings will be a lot easier to handle. A good night’s sleep is very dependent on finding the right environment. If you are looking for more than a couple of night’s stay away from home, you will soon notice the difference that our accommodation provides.

Experience the many benefits of ‘home from home’ living when you are away on business. Feel good about your next working day and get the most out of it! Enjoy!